Where did the last decade go? It spun by faster than I could imagine – it seems like yesterday I was dancing on the banks of the Macleay River dressed as a Millenium bug, and the next morning the first sunrise of the millenium was glorious…I’ll bring you a photo tomorrow (need to scan it first!)
So it’s time to look at my 2009 goals and what I actually achieved. Perhaps I bit off much more than I could chew.
Do something to further my writing every day (write, edit, critique, submit).
Achieved: Most days, though I know there were some where I just got sucked way into the internet or into the couch and did not contribute to my writing. But the first half of 2009, I was on track with this, and regular writing appointments with Deanna Carlyle went a long way to honouring this goal.
Create a new collage poem a week.
Whoops. I created a few during my Writers Group retreat, but for the most part I didn’t do much collage. I made an attempt at creating some erotic collage and just did not have the right words – the Cleo and Cosmo mags let me down with titles that were more titillating than sensual. And somehow, I just didn’t want to do a collage poem about blow jobs, which seems to be a fixation of these magazines.
Here’s a couple I did during the retreat:
So it’s time to look at my 2009 goals and what I actually achieved. Perhaps I bit off much more than I could chew.
Do something to further my writing every day (write, edit, critique, submit).
Achieved: Most days, though I know there were some where I just got sucked way into the internet or into the couch and did not contribute to my writing. But the first half of 2009, I was on track with this, and regular writing appointments with Deanna Carlyle went a long way to honouring this goal.
Create a new collage poem a week.
Whoops. I created a few during my Writers Group retreat, but for the most part I didn’t do much collage. I made an attempt at creating some erotic collage and just did not have the right words – the Cleo and Cosmo mags let me down with titles that were more titillating than sensual. And somehow, I just didn’t want to do a collage poem about blow jobs, which seems to be a fixation of these magazines.
Here’s a couple I did during the retreat:
Face it: collage is messy. You need time to get into that head space and into the mess. And time to clean it all up again. But as the stockpile of old magazines grows and grows, I realise I have to cut up the useful words to make some storage. I did make a couple of attempts to make a black out poem as per Austin Kleon, but I found that I couldn’t see the trees for the forest.
So the anthology goal (in co-collageship with Jen Gordon) will be reset for 2010 and I will just have to get my head around the mess-making.
So the anthology goal (in co-collageship with Jen Gordon) will be reset for 2010 and I will just have to get my head around the mess-making.
(And Jen has left us to do a design course in Sydney in 2010 – yay Jen!)
One short story per month.
I completely forgot about this one (apologies to Karina). I guess that’s what happens when you leave your goals on your blog, and don’t print them out and stick them in your diary so that they’re in your face every day. (I will print out my 2010 goals!)
So there were no short stories this year.
WRITE EDIT SUBMIT and beat writing 200, 078 words.
Well – I wrote, I edited and I submitted to contests.
Let me work out how much I wrote. I know it won’t be more than the figure above.
115, 193 words written in 2009. That does not count rewriting. I find that difficult to keep track of.
That’s okay. Because I wanted to focus on editing and submitting in 2009.
So my project goals for 2009 were:
1 Finish writing the first draft of Reality Check – completed. Yay!
2. Complete edit of Making the Cut. Submit until it finds a home. - completed. Now with CP.
3. Complete edit of Diary of the Future. Submit until it finds a home. - not touched.
4. Complete edit of Beyond Happily Ever After. Submit until it finds a home. - halfway through.
5. Write 50ks in 30 days in June with my RWA pals. – wrote 37,168 words.
6. Write 50ks during Nanowrimo in November. – wrote 21,146 words
Beyond Happily Ever After went into 3 competitions: The Stiletto, The STALI and The Emerald.
Reality Check was entered into The STALI.
So what else happened in 2009?
The annual and warmly anticipated Nambucca Valley Writers Group retreat to Smokey Cape Lighthouse:
One short story per month.
I completely forgot about this one (apologies to Karina). I guess that’s what happens when you leave your goals on your blog, and don’t print them out and stick them in your diary so that they’re in your face every day. (I will print out my 2010 goals!)
So there were no short stories this year.
WRITE EDIT SUBMIT and beat writing 200, 078 words.
Well – I wrote, I edited and I submitted to contests.
Let me work out how much I wrote. I know it won’t be more than the figure above.
115, 193 words written in 2009. That does not count rewriting. I find that difficult to keep track of.
That’s okay. Because I wanted to focus on editing and submitting in 2009.
So my project goals for 2009 were:
1 Finish writing the first draft of Reality Check – completed. Yay!
2. Complete edit of Making the Cut. Submit until it finds a home. - completed. Now with CP.
3. Complete edit of Diary of the Future. Submit until it finds a home. - not touched.
4. Complete edit of Beyond Happily Ever After. Submit until it finds a home. - halfway through.
5. Write 50ks in 30 days in June with my RWA pals. – wrote 37,168 words.
6. Write 50ks during Nanowrimo in November. – wrote 21,146 words
Beyond Happily Ever After went into 3 competitions: The Stiletto, The STALI and The Emerald.
Reality Check was entered into The STALI.
So what else happened in 2009?
The annual and warmly anticipated Nambucca Valley Writers Group retreat to Smokey Cape Lighthouse:
I even gave a workshop on Writing Sex Scenes. Scary stuff!
I did Margie Lawson’s Writing Body Language online course. Fabulous!
And I submitted Beyond Happily Ever After to the Hachette Qld Writer’s Centre Manuscript Development Program.
I didn’t attend the Romance Writers of Australia conference in Brisbane. Instead I joined my sisters in crime, Sandie Hudson and Rhian Cahill in running the Clayton’s Conference, and did we have a ball! – with lots of competitions, chat sessions, Q&A’s and tutorials. It was full on, and I was possibly more exhausted than if I’d attended the real life conference. Have you even tried to MC an online an awards ceremony, repost prize winners from the real ceremony and update a blog simultaneously? Then you haven’t lived.
After spending the year as part of the web team for Romance Writers of Australia, I put my hand up to join the Executive Committee. So I’m now the Social Media Manager which includes looking after our email loop, Twitter and be the blogmistress of the RWA blog, and look for more opportunities to expand RWA’s social media universe with my great team.
Plus I joined the We Love YA blog team set up by my fabulous critique partner, Kiki , Natalie Hatch, Amanda Ashby, Sara Hantz and Vanessa Barneveld. During the year we added Steph Bowe and Ellie Royce to our team.
And this is why I have been absent so much from this blog. It all takes time. Plus I had to apply for the position I was working in on a temporary basis and got the promotion. But I promise tomorrow, I will make a new commitment to this blog.
And a rewrite of this writing mantra: Write Edit Submit
I did Margie Lawson’s Writing Body Language online course. Fabulous!
And I submitted Beyond Happily Ever After to the Hachette Qld Writer’s Centre Manuscript Development Program.
I didn’t attend the Romance Writers of Australia conference in Brisbane. Instead I joined my sisters in crime, Sandie Hudson and Rhian Cahill in running the Clayton’s Conference, and did we have a ball! – with lots of competitions, chat sessions, Q&A’s and tutorials. It was full on, and I was possibly more exhausted than if I’d attended the real life conference. Have you even tried to MC an online an awards ceremony, repost prize winners from the real ceremony and update a blog simultaneously? Then you haven’t lived.
After spending the year as part of the web team for Romance Writers of Australia, I put my hand up to join the Executive Committee. So I’m now the Social Media Manager which includes looking after our email loop, Twitter and be the blogmistress of the RWA blog, and look for more opportunities to expand RWA’s social media universe with my great team.
Plus I joined the We Love YA blog team set up by my fabulous critique partner, Kiki , Natalie Hatch, Amanda Ashby, Sara Hantz and Vanessa Barneveld. During the year we added Steph Bowe and Ellie Royce to our team.
And this is why I have been absent so much from this blog. It all takes time. Plus I had to apply for the position I was working in on a temporary basis and got the promotion. But I promise tomorrow, I will make a new commitment to this blog.
And a rewrite of this writing mantra: Write Edit Submit
HAPPY NEW YEAR and see you in 2010!